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BackBaller- MuscleBaller


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Back Baller

Loosen, Rehabilitate & Strengthen Sore Muscles

The Muscle Baller is brought to us from the inventors of the famous BackBaller, (Dual Mounted Foam Roller). Muscle Baller is the single more compact version, it provides the stable base in which we can perform all our favorite SMR techniques with incredible control & stability.

Product Highlights

  • RELIEVE pain and discomfort in the back & legs
  • LOOSEN tight knots in the muscle tissue
  • INCREASE flexibility & mobility
  • STRENGTHEN as you recover

Treat Sore Muscles

The BackBaller is specifically designed to self-treat muscles in your upper & lower back. Due to the stability & control offered it goes beyond & is now the foremost product to knead out all muscle groups. For optimum benefit follow our 20min exercise program regularly & unlock the door to your athletic potential.

Rapid Results

Rapid Results

The ergonomic and highly stable design of BackBaller® makes it easy to simply lie down and start rolling: the blunt, toothed surface on this new, improved model produces immediate results, kneading deeply into the muscle fibers as you roll.

Rock Solid Stability

Unlike standard foam rollers, BackBaller® features one (removable) EVA foam roller mounted into a solid base, each of which can be used individually or together for targeted muscle relief and providing significantly more stability than traditional single tube rollers. You can screw it to a wall for additional support and convenience.

Revolutionary New Design

Revolutionary New Design

A revolutionary piece of equipment for rehabilitation, stretching and mobility, the uniquely-designed, mounted foam roller help rapidly relieve aches and pains in the shoulders, back and legs, effectively loosening tight knots and dissolving tension in the muscles.


15 Meter - 50mm Diameter (24kg)15 Meter - 50mm Diameter (24kg)
12 Meter - 50mm Diameter (20kg)12 Meter - 50mm Diameter (20kg)
9 Meter - 50mm Diameter (15kg)9 Meter - 50mm Diameter (15kg)
BackBaller- MuscleBaller