Powerball for Shoulder Impingement Injury Rehabilitation
A study demonstrating the benefits of powerball exercise
In December 2017, the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies published a research study which examined the effects of mediated resistance training (using a Powerball gyroscope) for a period of eight weeks on people suffering from shoulder impingement syndrome or tennis elbow. The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies is an online platform which has been publishing a wide range of scientific journals relevant to world health care and clinical practice dating back to 1996.
This particular research study was carried out by the Department of Biomechanics and Sport Injuries at Kharazmi University in Tehran, Iran.
The results of this eight-week long study were significant and clearly demonstrated that exercising with Powerball for as little as three times a week was extremely effective in rehabilitating both a shoulder impingement injury and tennis elbow.

What is Powerball?
Powerball is a simple handheld gyroscope which, when spun at speed, can generate up to 27kg in pure inertial resistance. This resistance works its way deep into tissue fibre, repairing and strengthening muscles from fingertip to shoulder.
The advantages of Powerball exercise are tenfold: build strong muscles, enhance grip strength, boost circulation or rehabilitate a wide range of injuries, including RSI, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow and shoulder impingement injuries. All it takes is just 3 minutes a day of Powerball exercise to feel the difference. Don’t believe us? Continue reading to see just how beneficial Powerball can be when it comes to rehabilitation.
We offer a Powerball to suit every injury or strengthening goal. You can check out the wide range of Powerball models available in our online store here.

What is a Shoulder Impingement Injury?

A shoulder impingement injury can be a serious cause of pain for many sufferers. This injury usually occurs when the tendons in the shoulder are ‘impinged’ or encroached upon by the bones of the shoulder. Continuous overhead movement is the largest cause of shoulder impingement injuries.
Activities such as, swimming, playing tennis, wrestling, painting, or in the case of this research study, playing volleyball, are all commonly associated with the injury. Shoulder impingement injuries can have a debilitating effect on everyday life and can lead to long-term conditions, such as tendinitis, bursitis and rotator cuff injuries.
Typical methods of treatment that your doctor might recommend for these types of injuries are wearing a brace, practicing concentric and eccentric exercises or, in more serious cases, surgery or steroid injections. Looking at the study below, we can now say that there is indeed a better way to successfully treat shoulder impingement injuries – it’s as simple as Powerball.
The Research Study
What was the aim of the research study?
The aim of the research study was to test the effects of Powerball exercise on:
- Grip, wrist & shoulder strength
- Wrist & shoulder proprioception (awareness of the position and movement of the body)
- General shoulder (upper extremity) performance
How were participants chosen?
A carefully selected group of 45 male volleyball players between the ages of 22 and 28 were chosen to take part in this research study. The study was conducted at the university rehab clinic during the volleyball preseason. All of the participants were suffering from either a shoulder impingement injury or tennis elbow.
The participants were broken up into three groups for the study:
Group I – 15 participants with shoulder impingement injuries
Group II – 15 participants with tennis elbow
Group III (Control group) – 8 participants with shoulder impingement injuries and 7 with tennis elbow
How was the research study carried out?
The research study was carried out on all participants over a period of 8 weeks.
Before and after the 8 week period, the participants were properly tested by physicians so that the results could be accurately compared at the end of the study.
These tests measured grip, wrist and shoulder strength, wrist and shoulder proprioception and upper extremity performance.
During the 8 week research study period, the participants from Group I (shoulder impingement) and Group II (tennis elbow) used Powerball three times a week.
The Powerball exercise sessions varied in length to correspond with the different stages of the research study. The Powerball sessions were also made up of 10 different exercise positions, each of which focused on a different muscle group.

- Powerball exercises A – Wrist flexion and extension
- Powerball exercises B – Elbow flexion and extension
- Powerball exercises C – Shoulder flexion
- Powerball exercises D – Shoulder abduction
- Powerball exercises E – Shoulder external and internal rotation 1
- Powerball exercises F – Shoulder external and internal rotation 2
The majority of the above exercises were carried out on average three to four times each for 60 seconds at a time. During the first week of the study, only wrist and elbow Powerball exercises were carried out by participants, with more exercises being added gradually as the weeks progressed. The Powerball was always used at low spin speeds (less than 10,000rpm), as a low level of resistance training is most effective for rehabilitation purposes.

The control group (Group III) did not carry out any Powerball exercises during the 8-week period. Instead they were given only self-care recommendations, such as use a hot pack, practice active range of motion and engage in patient education during the course of the research study.
What were the results of the research study?
Once the 8 week period of Powerball strengthening was complete, the tests carried out before the study began were repeated and the results compared.
Although no significant difference was found between Group I and Group II, researchers found clear improvement in both groups when compared to the control group. Grip, wrist, and shoulder strength, proprioception and performance was massively improved among the participants who used Powerball for 8 weeks, while no improvement at all was found among participants in the control group.
From such significant results it can undoubtedly be seen that exercise with Powerball is highly beneficial for those suffering from shoulder impingement syndrome and tennis elbow. What’s more, this research study has proven that not only does Powerball rehabilitate even in the chronic stages of a condition, but it also results in “improvement of power” by strengthening as you recover.
Effective rehabilitation anytime, anywhere
Powerball is an easy-to-use, compact and extremely powerful device that should be an essential item for anyone suffering from a shoulder impingement injury. Target and treat a shoulder injury at its source, eliminating pain and strengthening for future injury prevention – all it takes is 3 minutes a day of Powerball exercise to feel the difference.
View the range of Powerball models and other rehabilitative products available in our online store and kick-start your recovery today.
On the 8th of March last year, I tore a Rotator Cuff tendon in my right shoulder whilst playing squash. I have seen many physiotherapists, had an MRI scan and purchasing numerous products design to help me cure my shoulder.
However, after nearly eight weeks of using an amber Powerball 250 Hz Regular, I am convinced it has done the trick.
I am now slowly but surely swimming again and playing squash and golf. I’ve been a sad man during the time I could not play my sports. My Powerball has made me a happy man. Sounds very corny but is very very true.
Dave Wright, London, UK

Want to learn more about the research study published by the Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapies? You can check out the scientific journal on their website here.