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Fat Burner Bundle


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Fat Burner

Fat Burner Bundle

Lose Weight Fast with this elite cardio offering

The combination of our Swan Exercise Bike, Elliptical Cross-Trainer and QS1 Smart Rowing Machine is all you need to get in incredible shape from the comfort of home. Suitable for home or commercial gym use, our Fat Burner bundle gives you all the tools to #PowerYourPotential

Fat Burner Bundle Highlights

  • Suitable for Home or Commercial Use
  • Compatible with Bluetooth Kinomap App
  • Features preset workouts
  • Beginner Friendly
  • Perfect for HIIT and Endurance Training
  • Low Noise Output
  • LCD Button Function
  • Multiple Resistance Levels Available

upright rower

Connect to your phone

Connect the rower to your phone via integrated Bluetooth pairing and enjoy interactive training sessions and further workout tracking. Store your workout data and achievements or challenge your friends. Our Air Rower is compatible with the app 'KinoMap', which can be downloaded from the app store on your mobile device.

indoor rowing machine

Premium Rowing Machine

Premium Rowing Machine

indoor rowing machine

The QS1 Rower is a top quality rower constructed from premium materials. Crisp white with soft wood embellishment, this magnetic rower will complement any home gym. Assembled in minutes, this is a total-body trainer suitable for any home.

indoor rowing machine

Total Body Training

Rowing is unique in the fact that it is both an anaerobic and aerobic activity. As a form of cardio (aerobic), rowing will push you to your limits and build endurance as you train. As a form of strength training (anaerobic), you’ll build serious muscle strength and tone as you fight against the resistance generated by your movements. Best of all - rowing engages muscle groups across the entire body making for a punishing total-body workout every time.

upright rower

Quiet Rowing Machine

Quiet Rowing Machine

upright rower

The customized quite and smooth magnetic flywheel system makes the rowing experience extremely quiet. The electric magnetic resistance system is quieter, less friction, smoother, and more accurate than the traditional physical friction one. Avoid the loud noise caused by the seat pulley friction of a traditional rower. The dual aluminum alloy rail of the rowing machine is designed for smooth and stable gliding.

elliptical cross trainer

Ergonomic Dual Handlebars

With this elliptical cross trainer mix up your training and concentrate on upper, abdominal & lower muscle groups by changing your hand position mid-exercise. You can push forward with synchronized arm & leg drives, or close-in on the inner handlebars for a sprint finish burst.

elliptical cross trainer

Multiple Training Modes:

Multiple Training Modes:

elliptical cross trainer

This elliptical cross trainer features multiple different training modes based on your desired choice. Features like competition mode or fat burning mode allow you to tune up your cardiovascular system based on what you want to train for.

elliptical cross trainer

Compact & Foldable

Perfect for those seeking to maximize storage space within your house or apartment. This elliptical machine can be folded and stored when not in use, making it a flexible piece of equipment anyone can use.

Bike Row Ski Bundle

LCD Monitor

LCD Monitor

Bike Row Ski Bundle

Featuring a merit eye smart button, simply rotate to adjust your speed and press to switch data view. This swan spin bike features the ability to choose from speed, time, distance, calories so you can keep on top of your workout. Connect to the Merach app on your phone to store workout data and monitor your progress, with the convenient phone/tablet holder.

Fat Burner

Racing Style 4 Position Handle

The Swan bike features four different positioned handles which can be used to simulate a true racing style. Choose from horizontal, front, shift knob and professional handle bars to replicate road cycling, seated climbing, off-road riding and uphill riding.

spin bike for sale

Ride with Security:

Ride with Security:

spin bike for sale

Multiple features have been implemented into the swan spinning bike for added spinning security. The cage-style pedals protect you from slipping when training, as well as an easy ‘stop’ bar which can stop the flywheel immediately. Grounded with four balance regulators for different surfaces, this spinning Bike is suitable for all.

spin bike for sale

32 Levels Of Resistance

The smart operations on the Swan bike allows you to switch to different resistance levels in 3 different ways. Simply turn merit eye smart dial display to change levels in an instant or use the paddles on the handlebars if you are in a race cycling position. This smart bike can also be connected to apps to automatically change the resistance levels. Allowing the user to follow programs and online classes giving the user extra motivation to push themselves


15 Meter - 50mm Diameter (24kg)15 Meter - 50mm Diameter (24kg)
12 Meter - 50mm Diameter (20kg)12 Meter - 50mm Diameter (20kg)
9 Meter - 50mm Diameter (15kg)9 Meter - 50mm Diameter (15kg)
Fitness Equipment Ireland
Fat Burner Bundle